Monday, September 26, 2016

Just Getting My Feet Wet

Well here it is: this platform that I have created for myself. I have spent days thinking about what my first post may be. Should I share how I chose to spent the afternoon riding the boys around on the golf cart instead of tackling the sink overflowing of dishes. Or should I share my latest DIY project? 

I used to be that oversharer on social media. The one that told you every thought going through their mind, every judgement, every witty response to what's trending in the news!  Have you ever looked back at your post from years ago? I'm talking about myspace and facebook when you needed to have a college email address to join. I literally want to crawl in a hole when I see some of the stuff that I blurted out on the screen back then. I created a new Facebook page because I could not stand the "On this day" feature that would show me pictures and post that I made on that date so many years ago. I seriously said that? I seriously posted about that? Most of it I have to laugh at. It's a good measuring tool for me to see my growth over the years. 

Recently I sat in a leadership meeting where we were advised on the use of social media. If we had a platform that we could stand on and it could reach tens of thousands of people, what would we say? Would we talk about the weather? Or who we are voting for? When my friend Thea suggested that I should start a blog to promote my DIY projects I thought it was a pretty cool idea. But wait, "I'm not blogger material," I thought. I have probably written at least one run on sentence already. And thank God for spell check! But Thea was on to something. I knew that I needed to not just share how-to's but I needed to speak life! I have this platform now where I can encourage Christians, mothers, and wives just like me. Let's face it, life is not always the spotless house, the perfect husband, or the well behaved kids that we see on social media. It gets messy. We often fail, feel lonely, or feel discouraged in the season we are in. 

I will do my best to share with you, in transparency, my heart and use this place as a place of encouragement, growth, and fun! If you're reading this, thank you for trusting that I have something to say that is worth reading. Bear with me while I figure out this whole blogging thing and rest assured that I will at least have proper use of there, their, and they're (yes it drives me nuts too)!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

This Beautiful Mess

This is where I sum up who I am in a few choice words. Let me start with my name. My name is Ashley Davis. I am married to an amazing man and we have two beautiful boys. I'm outnumbered y'all. I live under one roof with three very messy, very hungry, and very active boys!

I have an infant (2 months) and a toddler  (2 1/2 yrs) that I decided need me home more than they need me to be working a 9-5. Now that took a HUGE leap of faith! Philippians 4:19 says that He will supply all of our needs. Calan (that's the amazing husband I told you about) and I prayed about it and worked the budget 10 times over. It will be tight but it will work! I resigned just 1 week ago.

Courageously Made was inspired by the story of Esther. She courageously answered God's calling for her life, unknowing of the outcome. I am inspired by Esther's willingness to live courageously in order to bring glory to God.

This blog will follow what I like to call my beautifully messy life and my attempt to be courageous in my journey as a Christ-follower, wife, mother, and DIYer.

Here goes nothing---